Promoter Says 'No Más': George Zimmerman-DMX Boxing Match Off Due To Threats

Looks like rapper DMX won’t stop, drop and shut down George Zimmerman after the celebrity match between the two was called off.

The fight’s promoter, Damon Feldman, said he called off the bout after threats were made against him, generating a public outcry this week.

“Done with George Zimmerman if you had a major payday sitting in front of you, I know no one else would walk away like I did ***Next!!” Feldman, who has organized numerous bouts between celebrities, commented on Twitter.

The anticipated three-round match would have pitted Zimmerman, who was acquitted in the 2012 shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin, against the notorious trash-talker, DMX, whose real name is Earl Simmons and has a history of arrests, most of them drug and driving offenses.

Zimmerman’s trial polarized the United States on issues of racial justice, stand your ground laws and gun control. A case now coming to trial in Florida about a Nov. 2012 shooting is eerily reminiscent of the Zimmerman-Martin case.

Since his acquittal, Zimmerman has had several brushes with the law. He has twice been stopped for speeding, once in Texas and again in Florida.

According to the Miami Herald, Feldman came under intense scrutiny and criticism after the fight between Zimmerman and the rapper was announced last week on Martin’s birthday.

Civil rights leader Reverend Al Sharpton cautioned against glorifying Zimmerman while a Facebook page urging that the match be cancelled generated more than 315,000 likes.

Sherry Schaefer, Feldman’s assistant, told the Herald that the promoter has been threatened and had to get a body guard.

The fight was first set for March 1 and then delayed to March 15.

In a statement, a spokesperson for DMX said the rapper had never agreed to the fight and it would not affect his concert schedule.

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