Olivia Munn covers Popular Mechanics why?

"What the heck is Olivia Munn doing on our cover?"

That's the question Popular Mechanics asks itself on the February cover of Popular Mechanics.

The answer apparently is that Munn edits the magazine's film awards (Popular Mechanics has film awards?) of the special effects and gadgets variety in said issue.

Munn is co-staring with Johnny Depp in "Mortdecai," out January 23, in which she does some stunts of her own.

"I had to ride in on this horse at full gallop through a very narrow path and trees coming up over us and land literally on a dime and jump off the horse," she says.

She also provides some of her Popular Mechanics bona fides.

“My sisters were always doing makeup and curlers, and I wasn't interested in that. As early as I can remember, when we'd all be kicked outside for the summer, my brothers and I would make a huge fort and string out the electricity from inside and build an air-conditioning unit," she says. " In the winter we built igloos. We made them so perfect that we'd be sweating inside. For fun, occasionally we'd decide to do something like make our own batteries out of pennies. We'd just create.”

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