'OITNB' star Jackie Cruz recalls kissing Kourtney Kardashian

After smooching with actress Jackie Cruz back in 2009, Kourtney Kardashian said, "I can never talk to this girl again." (YouTube)

Before kissing girls as Flaca in the popular Netflix series “Orange Is the New Black,” Jackie Cruz was coincidentally known for kissing a girl, and a very famous one at that.

Back in 2009, the 31-year-old actress made headlines for making out with Kourtney Kardashian, 39, at a club during an episode of “Kourtney & Khloe Take Miami.”

When the hosts of PeopleTV’s Chatter mentioned the hot and heavy moment in their Monday episode, Cruz couldn’t help but palm her face and swig her whiskey cocktail. They asked her whether she kept up with the Kardashians.

“I honestly don’t keep up because I don’t have time,” Cruz explained. “I’m trying to work do my own thing.”

“I love Kourtney,” Cruz said. “When we worked together she was a sweetheart.”

During the episode featuring the lewd lip lock, Kardashian said, "Jackie is carefree and fun... she just kind of like, gets you, and like, has this like spell, almost."

The next day, Kardashian seemed to overcome the apparent charm.

“I’m so embarrassed. I can never talk to this girl again,” she said.

Fast-forward to the present, Cruz is open to rekindle a relationship with the millionaire television personality.

“We haven’t reconnected, but call me girl,” she added.

In the sixth season of the comedy-drama, which was released on Friday, Litchfield inmates are transferred to a max security prison.

Cruz and other cast members had no idea what they were stepping into when originally starting with OITNB, she said in a 2016 interview with Fox News.

“It’s a bunch of women in a prison. None of us knew what this show was going to be about,” she said. “We’re pioneering. We’re taking over Netflix.”

And take over they have.

In February, Netflix revealed OITNB is their most commonly “first binged” original series.

On what it’s like filming the show, Cruz said, “There’s nothing I don’t like about it.”