Marc Anthony Urges Latinos to Support Barack Obama in New AD

Move over, Eva Longoria! Marc Anthony is the latest Latino becoming active in politics.

The Salsa crooner is supporting President Barack Obama in his quest for re-election.

In a new 30-second video for the Obama campaign, the singer urges Latinos to back Obama. He also outlines his reasons why Obama deserves the Latinos vote.

“We’ve got jobs, the economy, education, immigration,” Marc Anthony said. “President Obama is on our side on all of it. We just need to make sure he gets four more years to make more progress.”

Marc Anthony will also be performing at a Obama fundraiser in Miami in late June. Tickets  range from $25 to $40,000.

Like other Latino celebrities such as Eva Longoria, Maná, Wilmer Valderrama and Pitbull, Marc Anthony feels that the Latino vote will have a major impact in the elections.

“Latinos are a force that can and will help decide this election, and it’s a good thing that we’ve got so much to say, right?” Marc Anthony says in the ad. “The president has our back, so it’s time to let him know that we’ve got his. Go to and get involved today. ¡Estamos unidos!” He added in Spanish.

Just last month Longoria’s ad in support of Barack Obama made its rounds on the Internet.

“Whether he's fighting for affordable health care and access to education, or supporting small businesses in the Hispanic community…over the last three years he's worked to reform our immigration system to give everyone a fair shot at the American dream,” Longoria says in the ad.

“He's fighting to make sure people who have brought here children have the opportunity to earn a path to citizenship and contribute to the country they know as home. That's what this election is about and each one of us is responsible for the outcome in November. ¡Estamos unidos!” Longoria said in Spanish at the end of the clip.

Obama’s campaign targeting Latinos by using celebrities like Marc Anthony and Eva Longoria comes just as GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney announced his newly formed Hispanic Steering Committee, “Juntos Con Romney.”

The group, which is led by former Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutiérrez, former Attorney General of Puerto Rico José Fuentes and former Administrator of the Small Business Administration Héctor Barreto, is Romney’s effort to appeal to Latino voters and guide his campaign on issues important to the community.

The Hispanic community has been especially hard-hit by President Obama’s policies,” said Gutiérrez in a press release. “Instead of spurring economic growth and creating jobs, President Obama has only expanded government and hurt job creation. We need a leader who will bring back jobs, help small businesses, and ensure that the American Dream remains for future generations.”