'Lone Survivor' author explains why you should see the film

Former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell admits that the film “Lone Survivor” may not be an easy one to watch.

“It’s a war movie, sir, and it’s pretty gruesome,” he told Bill O'Reilly.

Based on Luttrell's best-selling 2007 memoir, "Lone Survivor" is about a 2005 four-man operation in northeastern Afghanistan's Kunar province that fell apart when a trio of goat herders stumbled upon the staked-out SEALs.

So why should audiences pile into theaters to watch the tough-to-watch true story play out on the big screen?

“It’s a first-hand look at basically the inside of a SEAL team… but it goes deeper than that,” he said. “It talks about how we’re not just mindless soldiers, we have families—our parents and kids. Not all Afghani people are bad… [It debunks] the [notion] that every Muslim is bad. Just look at the villagers that saved my life, they’re Muslims and there’s a lot of good people out there.”

And even though his story got the Hollywood treatment, it’s still an accurate portrayal, Luttrell said.

“I was a consultant on the film. I was out there probably for 75 to 80 percent of it. As far as the representation of the real-life story… there’s going to be some stuff that gets dropped,” he said. “The director, the cast and crew, they did everything they possibly could to make sure the movie stayed true to form.”

The “Lone Survivor” is now playing in theaters.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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