Guys With Work Done

What were Burt and Kenny thinking? Click for before and after shots of dudes who had work done.

Mickey Rourke started out as a matinee idol type. Here he is in 1991 at the height of his fame.

Then he started boxing and spending the night in people's closets and living an entirely unhealthy lifestyle. Here he is in 1994, showing serious signs of wear.

The came Mickey's comeback in "The Wrestler" in 2008, along with his brand new face. Since he's still playing tough guy types, maybe he should have left well-enough alone?

Back at the height of his stardom in the 1970s and 1980s, Burt Reynolds' good looks were the craggy, weathered type. (AP)

As he grew older, he tried the distinguished salt-and-pepper beard thing. But apparently it wasn't enough. (AP)

Today Reynolds' face looks like its pulled tighter than support hose. (AP)

Kenny Rogers was never what you'd call traditionally handsome, even back in the day. He's not ugly, but he was never Paul Newman or anything. (AP)

Which makes it that much stranger that he has become so obsessed with retaining the little that he once had through surgical methods. He must see something in the mirror that others don't. (Maybe Paul Newman?) (AP)

Ray Liotta has always played tough guys on the edge, which makes sense given his battered good looks. (AP)

But that makes it hard to understand why, later in his career, he would go for the smooth-as-glass, expressionless look he now has. Maybe he and Burt Reynolds have a bet or something. (AP)

He's a comedian named Carrot Top. As long as his hair is red, nothing else really matters. (AP)

Which makes all of his plastic surgery absolutely unfathomable. It's like Bozo the Clown getting work done. (AP)

Michael Douglas comes from Hollywood royalty, so much so that when you look at him, you're really seeing him and his dad Kirk at the same time. It's like when you watch Liza Minelli, and all you really see is Judy Garland. (AP)

But we know why he has tried to remain youthful looking. Seven words: His much younger wife Catherine Zeta-Jones. Can't argue with that. (AP)

Robert Blake looked better untouched-by-the-knife in prison orange....

Than he does nipped-and-tucked in a cowboy hat and white t-shirt. Just sayin'. ( (