Great Scott Cutaneo's Gazpacho

Beat the heat with this cool dish for a hot summer day.


Yields 4 servings


2 pound tomatoes

1/2 red onion (1/4 inch dice)

1 medium red pepper (1/4 inch dice)

1 medium green pepper (1/4 inch dice)

4 ounce watermelon (1.4 inch dice)

1 seedless cucumber (1/4 inch dice)

rough chop cilantro to taste

sea salt & white pepper to taste

2 peach (1/4 inch dice)

2 tea spoon rice wine or red wine vinegar

2 tablespoon olive oil

2 clove garlic (optional)

1 bottle spring water

2 ounce cream fresh


1. Rinse all of the ingredients and let dry. Rough chop the tomatoes and put them into a blender. Puree and put the tomato mixture through a strainer to remove the skin and the seeds. Add bottled still water if the consistency is too thick and put back in the blender and season to taste with the salt, pepper, vinegar, & olive oil. This is the base for the soup.

2. Dice all of the ingredients and put into a small mixing bowl. Add the cilantro and some seasoning to taste.

3. Place the soup bowls in the freezer and chill the soup in the frig for at least 1 hour. Add the diced ingredients to the bowl and pour the tomato puree over top. Garnish with some cilantro and cream fresh.

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