Gossip Round-Up: Why Did Christina Aguilera's Marriage Fall Apart?

"TMZ" started off the speculation, breaking the story of the Aguilera-Bratman divorce and at the same time claiming it was Christina's actions that led to the end of the marriage. Later, they devoted a couple posts to putting to bed the notion that domestic violence was involved. Absolutely not, the website concluded.

Entertainment website "RadarOnline.com" went a more, uh, feminine route, publishing what they said was an interview with a woman who alleges that Christina’s bodyguard approached her at a nightclub and said, “'My boss would really like you.’” The source stayed anonymous, and, according to "Radar", Christina and her reps had no comment. Both shockers.

The U.K. gossip website "X17" hint-hinted at the 29-year-old singer's Cabo San Lucas get-away with Lindsay Lohan’s ex-girlfriend Samantha Ronson—but in the same article admitted the two have been friends for a while.

Of course, Aguilera's racy public persona has probably contributed mightily to all the innuendo.

In an "Out" magazine interview last May, for example, Aguilera seems to have been asked about the lyrics of her single “Not Myself Tonight” (“I’m kissing all the boys and the girls”):

“I don’t get to kiss all the girls and the boys," she told the magazine. "But my husband knows that I get into girls. I think it's fun to be open and play. The line is real to me. My husband and I check in with each other, but I definitely love women. I think they’re more attractive to the naked eye.”

Take note though, Aguilera mentioned in the same interview "you know, "I love d***. To be honest, that I cannot live without."

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