Getting cast in Pin Ups for Vets calendar is no easy feat

Pin Ups for Vets is a calendar that gives back to veteran and military hospitals across the nation. Gina Elise started the non-profit organization in 2006 “as a way to give back to the military community.” Her ties to the military go back to her grandfather who was World War II Army veteran and she felt a pull to help those returning from the Iraq war in need of medical care.

“I thought I wanted to do something really fun and really creative to give back so I created a fundraising calendar that would allow us to support the veteran and military community through our various initiations,” Elise told FOX411.

To make the calendar, potential models have to go through several castings. The current calendar features 24 veterans as models.

“It’s quite a selection process. We put out a casting notice early in the year and asking for veterans and ask them to submit why they would like to be in the calendar. So, we go through this whole selection process to see who would make the best fit for the calendar. I get emails constantly asking to be in the calendar,” Elise explained.

US Air Force veteran Shannon Corbeil is a pin up in the 2017 version. She said she made her decision to participate without hesitation, even though beauty isn't necessarily valued in her chosen field.

“I think that any time a woman steps into a man’s world, she’s starting at a bit of a deficit and has to work a little bit harder with intelligence, knowledge.," she said. "For my experience, leadership skills to prove myself and that was a challenge I was ready to stand up for."

Go to for more information - and to get the 2017 calendar.