FOX411 at Comic-Con: Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield's 'Spider-Man' Chemistry Deemed 'Magical'

"The Amazing Spider-Man" hits theaters July 3, 2012 (Columbia Pictures)

No word yet as to whether there is an upside down kiss in the forthcoming “The Amazing Spider-Man,” but if you believe the movie's director, stars Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield (also a rumored real-life couple), are going to give us our money's worth with their on-screen chemistry.

“They are incredibly funny and intuitive and wonderful actors, but there was one spot on set which was just magical,” director Marc Webb told FOX411’s Pop Tarts during the Comic Con International Convention. “People are going to be really excited about the innocence, the humor, the connection they have. When you cast a movie you can’t cast actors individually, you have to cast chemistry, and they just worked really well together. I would sit behind the monitor and just laugh and feel connected to them, it was really wonderful.”

But when it was announced in 2007 that a “Spider Man” reboot was in the works just a few years after Kirsten Dunst and Tobey Maguire breathed life into iconic comic, Stone wasn’t exactly pining for the part.

“My feelings were probably the same as everyone’s – err, there’s another ‘Spider-Man’ happening? And then I read [it] and it was interesting, I didn’t know the story of Gwen Stacy before this,” she told us. “I then read with Andrew and (my interest in the project) built slowly, it wasn’t right away… the love grew and grew, and then I really wanted to be part of it.”

And while the recently released trailer for the uber-hyped film takes us on a dizzying ride through Spider-Man’s building leaps and crazy climbs, Stone insists that the new film weaves quite an emotional, heartfelt web.

“It is about a little boy losing his parents and his relationship with his father, and finding out his true history,” she told us. “It focuses on the intimate relationships in people’s lives – losing a father, a first love… things we have never seen before. It’s a cool, different perspective on the whole story.”

And with her Hollywood “hot property” status taking off, Stone – who also stars in the Oscar-buzzed “The Help,” Steve Carrel’s new comedy “Crazy Stupid Love” and graces the cover of the recent edition of Vanity Fair – is trying just to accept and appreciate the sudden onslaught of attention.

“It is pretty crazy, I’m just trying to be as present as possible,” she added. “I’m also trying to sleep a lot.”

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