Former Bond Girl and Natalie Wood's sister Lana now homeless

Lana Wood starred as a Bond Girl in the 1971 film "Diamonds Are Forever." (Sunset Boulevard / Contributor)

Lana Wood became Hollywood royalty when she starred as sizzling Bond Girl Plenty O’Toole opposite Sean Connery in 1971’s “Diamonds Are Forever” — but now, the sister of late actress Natalie Wood is homeless.

Inside Edition reported that the 71-year-old is staying in a motel room outside of Los Angeles with her daughter Evan, her son-in-law, three grandchildren and two dogs while struggling to make ends meet.

“It’s been very difficult for the kids,” said Wood to the televised news magazine. “They feel like they have no privacy.”


Wood, who once wore glamorous gowns for a living and enjoyed fine dining in Hollywood, now shops for bargains at Goodwill and can only fit water and a few snacks in a makeshift kitchen. While Wood previously lived with Evan and their grandchildren in a rented home in California for several years, they had to move out when they couldn’t afford the rent. And with no one willing to take them in, the family faced homelessness.

But the challenges didn’t end there.

The site added that Evan battled Hodgkin’s lymphoma and her radiation treatments permanently scarred her lungs. She breathes through an oxygen compressor and her cancer has since returned. The family’s financial crisis has worsened with the growing medical bills. Wood also needs two knee replacement surgeries.

“You live in a snow globe and the world is upside down, emotional,” explained Wood. “It’s like the rugs have been pulled out from under you. And it’s just difficult to cope with. I don’t know how much more we can take.”


When asked what happened, Wood responded “real life.”

But just six years ago, Wood’s life was completely different. At the time, she was living in a two-story California home and was pressing her late sister’s husband, actor Robert Wagner, for answers about Natalie’s sudden death in 1981 from a mysterious drowning. Authorities have since said Wagner is not a suspect and he denies any involvement in her passing.

Wagner previously spoke to Fox News about his love for Natalie.

“Natalie was such a special, marvelous woman and we found each other twice in our lives… how lucky I was,” he explained. “I just had such wonderful times with her… she was just a marvelous, marvelous light. My light and the light for our children. She was just such a special person.”


Wood revealed that if her beloved sibling were alive today, she would be “devastated” and "fix" the problems she’s now faced with.

Wood’s friend Gregor Gillespie has recently set up a GoFundMe page in hopes of raising funds for the fallen star.

“Lana is currently packing rapidly and trying to get her belongings out of the property before the sheriff locks her out,” he wrote. “She also does not have the money to put down for another house… everything is on her shoulders at the minute and nobody at Lana’s age should be stuck in this position, especially after what she’s been through. The stress of this for her is what worries me more than anything.”

Gillespie also added that he set a goal of raising $10,000 as a means to help Lana obtain a new home for her and her family. So far, the page has raised $7,045.