EXCLUSIVE: Sasha Grey Done With Porn, Refuses to Play Any Sex-Related Roles

Sasha Grey. (Ian P. Cinnamon)

It is official – Sasha Grey has parted ways with the porn industry because at the ripe ol’ age of 23, she’s done it all.

“There wasn’t anything left for me to do. I accomplished all of my goals and the next would be to produce/direct movies from my own production company,” Grey told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column while promoting her photography book “NEU SEX.” “

By drawing inspiration from photographic luminaries like Cindy Sherman and Nan Goldin, “NEU SEX” marks Grey’s first collaboration with photographer Ian Cinnamon and brings to life her wild and wonderful surroundings – honest, unscripted, and unfiltered.

But passion for photography aside, Grey now has her sights on mainstream acting. The AVN award-winning screen star was plucked from almost obscurity by critically-acclaimed director Steven Soderbergh to play a high-class hooker in his 2009 film “The Girlfriend Experience,” and she since scored an ongoing role as a fictionalized version of herself in the hit HBO series “Entourage.”

RELATED: Sasha Grey in 'The Girlfriend Experience.'

Yet in the wake of her adult industry retirement, Grey is now swearing off sex-related roles.

“From now on I will not be playing roles where I play a version of myself, or a hooker, for a very long time,” she vowed. “I think ‘The Girlfriend Experience’ and ‘Entourage’ were the best places to play those two roles and it can’t get any better. I don’t want to repeat myself, and I think if I continue to take those types of roles I will only be given those roles.”

Nonetheless, acting in the more “traditional” sense isn’t the only avenue Grey is now exploring.

“I'm working on my band (entitled aTelecine) and we’re coming out with an album called the ‘Falcon in the Pod,’” she said. “It is experimental noise – a hybrid of a few sounds we’ve been developing for the record.”

But back to porn for just one moment, the California native wants to clear up one common misconception – not all adult actresses come from damaged childhoods, were victims of abuse, or struggle with drug addiction.

“(People think) that we’re dumb girls that were victims of abuse, strung out on drugs, that we don’t know what we are doing, and aren’t business-minded. I was very aware of when I got started and kept in mind it was a possibility I would meet people like this,” she continued. “But the reality is that there are a huge amount of women who are very happy with their careers and where they have gone in their lives. It’s a shame we don’t hear the positive stories anymore. I was not in a Linda Lovelace situation, and it’s a shame that positive ones don’t get more exposure.”

And for those folks lucky enough to get truly “up close and personal” with the former porn princess, it seems you’re in for quite a surprise.

“I'm pretty funny; it's one of those things. People say ‘you're so serious’ – even friends of my friends,” Grey added. “But I just take what I do seriously, and when I decide to take on a project I put my heart and soul into it. But you really have to know me to get that [funny] side.”

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