Emmys: Stars sweat buckets on red carpet as temperatures approach 100 degrees

"It's incredibly hot today," kvetched "House of Cards" star Kevin Spacey.

"Oh my God I'm so hot. My hair is wet!" bemoaned "Modern Family" star Sarah Hyland.

Indeed temperatures were pushing 100 degrees in Los Angeles as the stars walked the 67th Emmy Awards' red carpet.

E! red carpet host Giuliana Rancic said thermometers in her interview area had spiked to 106.

E! co-host Ryan Seacrest was mopping sweat off his forehead as he interviewed the assembled hoi paloi. Amy Schumer, up for two awards, even helped the melting host out a bit, dabbing a line of perspiration off his head.

Ricky Gervais said getting out of his car was like "walking into an oven" and started unbuttoning his shirt during his interview with Seacrest, threatening to go full "Simon Cowell." "I haven't got breast implants like him," Gervais joked, adding. "He never sues."

Seacrest, exasperated, even motioned to a vent on the floor that he said was blowing hot air straight at him.

Andy Samberg is the host of TV's biggest, and apparently hottest, night.

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