Eddie Murphy's Girlfriend Probably Can't Breathe and Britney Spears Models Her New Line of Lingerie


Here's today's most fun and ridiculous news:

Eddie Murphy's girlfriend Paige Butcher could not have worn a tighter dress to the "Hercules" premiere in Los Angeles, and momentarily made us forget why the heck Eddie Murphy was at the "Hercules" premiere in Los Angeles.

Kim Kardashian announced that daughter North West took her first steps on Wednesday. Kanye probably came into the room shortly thereafter to demonstrate how much better he could do it.

On Wednesday, Britney Spears announced a new line of lingerie called "The Intimates Collection." She also modeled one of her fashions online (below), but has yet to confirm if her collection will include the sparkly bra/knickers combo she wore to lethargically warble through "Gimme More" at the 2007 MTV VMAs.

Hungarian graphic designer Nikolett Mérész has created an image of what Mérész believes Prince George will look like at age 18, and evidently, he will inherit Ryan Seacrest's head of hair and the pursed lips of a young Renee Zellweger.

At long last, Robin Thicke has reportedly accepted a truth that everyone else in his universe has understood for far too long: His marriage to Paula Patton is over.

Weird Al Yankovic has topped the Billboard album charts with "Mandatory Fun," proving that America just can't get enough song parodies about handymen.

When asked by Vogue about the best surprise she's ever given anyone, Blake Lively said, "A collection of short stories written by loved ones for my husband." But perhaps she misunderstood the question and recounted the worst surprise she's ever given anyone.

On Thursday at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, the Queen photobombed a selfie taken by a few members of the Australian field hockey team (below). This will likely be the first and last time you hear anything about the Commonwealth Games.

Leonardo DiCaprio was photographed practicing karate on a yacht in Saint-Tropez this past Tuesday, probably because of all those yacht-based ninja ambushes we've been hearing about on the news lately.

Duran Duran is suing their own fan club for failing to hand over a portion of the profits generated by the club's merchandise sales. This will truly be a testament to the fandom of these particular Duran Duran fans, won't it?

On Sunday, a Twitter user reached out to "Avengers" star Mark Ruffalo to inform the actor that he'd found Ruffalo's wallet in a Chicago cab. Ruffalo already thanked the honest gentleman online, but probably should've waited until he could confirm his $40 bucks were still inside.

Victoria's Secret supermodel Karlie Kloss told Style.com that the secret to her flat abs is "good old-fashioned sit-ups," which comes as surprising news, because we could have sworn she was a fan of bad, new-fangled sit-ups.

And finally, a near-mint copy of the original Superman comic (Action Comics #41) is going up for auction on eBay in August, and it's expected to fetch a price that will make you nauseous just thinking about the time your mom threw yours in the trash.