
The latest installment of Bravo’s “Real Housewives” franchise takes place in Washington, D.C., where the nation’s most divisive issues are worked out.

Pop Tarts got a sneak peek and saw that, in keeping with the city’s traditions, the cast of the show get into some heated political debates themselves!

In the opening episode, premiering this Thursday at 9 p.m. ET, interior designer Catherine “Cat” Ommanney, who is married to longtime White House photographer Charles Ommanney, says she's got a bone to pick with President Obama.

“Charles won Political Photographer of the Year for the inauguration photograph he took of Obama standing in the tunnel with his eyes closed ... and it is tradition for the President to come for the award,” Ommanney tells the guests at a DC dinner party. “But Obama doesn’t turn up. Bush was there to congratulate Charles on numerous awards, which – I’m sorry – I’ve been really impressed by [Obama] and all the hope you give America, but you’ve gone right down in my estimations. Bush would always be there.”


Ommanney also said while Bush took time to RSVP to their wedding invite, she received no response from Obama.

“Everyone was pretty surprised that I have such a high opinion of George Bush, but I don’t really care,” Ommaney says later in the episode. “I’m aware of all the mistakes he made, but I didn’t talk to him about the war in Iraq. George was almost like a father figure to Charles. As a gentleman, he’s a class act. “

And Omanney wasn't alone in her sentiments, as fellow “Real Housewife” Mary Schmidt Amons agreed they “respect George Bush as the man.”

But, not surprisingly, not all of the "D.C. Housewives" cast members agree. The dinner party's hostess Stacie Scott Turner was critical of Ommaney.

“When she implied that Bush was a better man than Obama, I damn near choked on my food. Given that her husband worked for Obama, I didn’t think it was that smart,” Scott Turner said.

Fans of the hit reality show will be happy to know that the heated Presidential debate is just one of many conflicts that arise among the opinionated, politically divergent cast.

“I’m a Democrat. Mary is an Independent. We’re pretty split… 50/50,” Scott Turner recently told us. “It’s going to be really interesting – the interaction between Kat and I. Usually, when you get to know one another you keep to niceties, but we went there. Cat is British, so her social norms are different.”

Speaking of diversity, Scott Turner also praised the producers for formulating a cast comprised of women from different races and backgrounds.

“It was so much pressure [being the only African American]. D.C. is known as the chocolate city – we went from being known as having a mayor that smoked crack to having Barack Obama in the White house,” she said. “The show has done a good job representing the diversity of the city. I hope I represent the African American lifestyle well.”

However, the reality show’s focus isn’t only centered on professions and politics – there is plenty of personal interrogation too.

Perhaps the most famous "D.C. Housewife," Michaele Salahi of White House Party Crashers fame, comes across as the sparkplug at every society soiree. But if you're waiting to see behind the scenes footage or dish on the White House episode, you're going to be disappointed. Her controversial “accomplishment” has even been excluded from her Bravo profile page.