Comey, on Colbert show, likens Trump to burdened ex: 'I'm like a breakup he can't get over'

Fired FBI Director James Comey took another shot at President Donald Trump on Tuesday night when he appeared on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert."

Comey, who was on the show to plug his newly released book, “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership,” talked about Trump tweeting at him and compared it to a breakup with an ex.

“He’s tweeted at me probably 50 times. I’ve been gone for a year. I’m like a breakup he can’t get over,” Comey told Colbert. “I’m out there living my best life. He wakes up in the morning and tweets at me.”

This image released by CBS shows former FBI Director James Comey, left, with host Stephen Colbert on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert." (Scott Kowalchyk/CBS via AP)

Comey said he thought that shrugging off the tweets would be no big deal, but admitted that ignoring Trump over social media may be the dangerous route to take, the Washington Post reported.

“Does that mean we’ve become numb to this? It’s not OK for the president of the United States to say a private citizen should be in jail,” Comey said. “It’s not normal. It’s not acceptable. It’s not OK.”

As Comey cozied up to Colbert by drinking Pinot Noir on set – the drink Comey said he had after Trump dismissed him as FBI chief – Colbert asked him about a passage in his book about likening Trump to a mob boss. Colbert said he was surprised there was so much shock about the firing given the comparison.

“I actually was quite surprised because I thought, I’m leading the Russia investigation,” Comey said. “Even though our relationship is becoming strained, there’s no way I’d be fired. That would be a crazy thing to do.”

"I’ve been gone for a year. I’m like a breakup he can’t get over.”

— James Comey

Colbert also wondered aloud what would happen if Trump decided to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, according to the New York Daily News.

“I think most likely it goes on. I think you would need to fire everyone in the Justice Department and the FBI to stop that investigation,” Comey said. “I think it would be very hard to shut that down by firing him.”

Comey also defended his decision to re-open the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails weeks prior to the November 2016 U.S. presidential election. He said emails found on the laptop of disgraced former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner -- the estranged husband of Clinton aide Huma Abedin -- may have contained the “smoking gun” that the FBI previously missed earlier in its probe.

“So at that point, what do you do? Take no action if you can avoid it,” Comey said. “And I kept looking for a door that said, ‘No action here,’ and I can’t find it. I could only see two doors and they were both action. One said ‘speak’ and the other said ‘conceal.'”

The former FBI chief said he also wanted to avoid the appearance that former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch was compromised in her investigation after an infamous tarmac meeting with former President Bill Clinton.

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