Chrissy Teigen Did What to a Copy of '50 Shades'?


By now, many of us have devoured, regurgitated, and re-devoured the entire 'Fifty Shades' series.

However, if you have no idea what we're talking about, please allow Chrissy Teigen (also a little late to the game) to break things down for you.

The model recently tweeted, "Need a book for our holiday away. Kind of want to read 50 shades and basically mystery science library it for you via twitter."

Great! You can finally comprehend what your friends have been blabbing about these past few years. Well, don't get your hopes up, because two pages into reading the raunchy tale, Teigen had enough!

"I have an extremely high pain tolerance. But I honestly don't think I can do this. This book is f---ing horrendous!" she later tweeted.

She then threatened to throw it into the ocean, but instead opted to bury it in the sand.