Chelsea Handler calls on Ivanka Trump to tell President Trump 'this is an unacceptable way to treat women'

Chelsea Handler called upon First Daughter Ivanka Trump to give her father a message from the comedian.

In a clip from Handler's Friday episode of her Netflix show "Chelsea," the 42-year-old was discussing the Trump administration's views on Planned Parenthood with the organization's president and fellow comedian Sarah Silverman.

"So far, the White House has been a total zero on women and women’s health," Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards told Handler adding she spoke to Ivanka Trump about the organization. "I think Ivanka’s job now is that she’s in charge of all women’s issues. This would be time to kind of step up."

Cecile's comment had Handler wondering if Ivanka "has any influence at all" when it comes to advising her father, President Trump.

"The fact [Ivanka]  doesn’t call him out…I know all women feel this way toward Ivanka right now,  but I’m like, ‘You need to tell that f--king a--hole this is an unacceptable way to treat women; we’re moving backwards!"

Silverman chimed in saying she's "so dead inside when it comes" to politics these days.

"I feel so disheartened. I actually saw that [Ivanka] follows me on Twitter and I direct-messaged her and I was like, 'This is your chance. You’re writing your life story here.'"