Cameron Diaz Says She Fell Into Intense Fitness And Becoming A Great-Body Icon

Cameron Diaz on the cover of "Self" magazine. (SELF Magazine)

Actress Cameron Diaz undoubtedly has one of the most amazing bodies in the business. Interestingly enough, though, the former smoker said that it was actually never her intention to be known for her figure.

“I fell into fitness by accident,” the 41-year-old actress told “Self” magazine. “But it’s become something I depend on physically and emotionally. I feel so much more empowered now.”

So empowered that she hopes to help other women change their lives the same way – the main motivator to write her recently published book The Body Book where she delves into the science behind why she looks and feels so amazing.

“I love the science of the body, and I love to give information and see people utilize it in their own lives,” Diaz said. “I want women to know that it’s never too late to start paying attention to their bodies.”

It was not always like that for the “Charlie’s Angel” star, who said she started training for the movie at the age of 27.

Diaz told Self that during high school, she would eat two Taco Bell bean burritos a day. Now, she treats processed food as if it’s poison.

“I saw a Taco Bell yesterday – it made my stomach scream. If I had nothing else to do, I would be like, ‘Three bean-and-cheese burritos and give me some nachos with extra cheese sauce!’ I would kill for that s---,” Diaz said. “But what I’ve learned is that just ‘cause you can chew it and swallow it and poop it out doesn’t mean it’s food.”

While others may say otherwise, Diaz said she is not in the best shape of her life.

“Some days I don't (work out). Some days I stay in bed because sleep is more important to me at that moment. And some days I go to the gym for literally 10 minutes. But the fact that I got up and got there matters to me,” Diaz told the fitness magazine.

“Because at the end of all of this, I want to be able to say, 'I did the best I could.' It's not about having a ripped stomach. It's about taking care of myself. If you don't have your health and if you're not in a strong, capable body, you don't have anything."

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