Break Time: Miss Universe Olivia Culpo uses bikini, not online dating, to attract mates

We've got the three things on the Web today you must not miss. First up, a former Miss USA told the New York Post this week that she was actively looking for love with an online dating service. But Miss Universe Olivia Culpo apparently believes the adage that there are plenty of fish in the sea, as she recently took to the beach looking to attract attention in a sexy bikini. Let's see who reels in love first.

Meanwhile, LeBron James, aka King James, has decided that being the NBA's best player and two time world champion is not enough. So LeBron is trying his hand at ... rapping.  According to TMZ, he posted two audio teasers on his Instagram account. Let's just say if Jay-Z has 99 problems, LeBron being a better rapper than him is not one. Here is a sample lyric:  "Yo, you already know what it is...It's kid King James."


And finally... Amanda Bynes says she hates ... everyone? Bynes recently tweeted that  if she wasn't following you on Twitter, that means she hates you. Which is bad news for everyone in the Twitter universe, except nine of you. Celebuzz says that among the nine people getting some love from Bynes are President Obama, Gucci Mane, Boy London and V Magazine.

Hey Amanda, we know you don't follow FOX411, but we love you anyway.  Just not in that blue wig. Or the blonde one.

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