Brad Pitt's humanitarian efforts motivated by idea that 'where you are born' determines your opportunities

Brad Pitt and actress Angelina Jolie at the "Tree of Life" premiere. (Reuters)

Brad Pitt and longtime partner Angelina Jolie are just as famous for their worldwide humanitarian efforts as they are for their acting abilities and good looks. So what keeps the “Moneyball” star motivated to do all he can for those less fortunate?

“It comes from many things. One is that there is no question we hit the lottery in some way. As you travel around the world, you see so many struggles – even in our own country, so many people are hurting right now,” Pitt said ahead of the annual Academy Awards nominees’ luncheon in Beverly Hills on Monday. “And that’s all based on longitude and latitude, wherever you are born (determines) whatever opportunities you will have. I’ve always struggled with that… I feel very fortunate that I’m in a position to carry on some of that good fortune and offer a helping hand; it has been one of the nicest things on where I stand today.”

And when it comes to choosing roles, Pitt is also influenced by social concerns and issues that impact real people, which is why he’s so proud of the biographical Oakland-inspired baseball film, “Moneyball.”

“It’s a story of values, getting second chances, people who have been dismissed and disregarded by their occupations and surroundings – but have worth,” he continued. “That’s what these guys did; they found a cool town that had been disregarded… It made me question: ‘what is failure and what is success?’”

And despite the common public conception that Pitt and fellow nominee George Clooney hang out and do things like ol’ pals do, well, it turns out that isn’t really the case – it takes awards to get these guys in a room together.

"A lot of people at home think we all hang out together. I think they think we're always at the Hilton drinking champagne. The truth is I hadn't seen Brad in about a year (until the start of awards season last month,)” Clooney, who was also in attendance, said. "So it's fun to catch up, and it's fun to see people I like and haven't seen in a long time."

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