Ben Savage and Rowan Blanchard on 'Girl Meets World'

If you remember the '90s, you almost definitely remember "Boy Meets World."

Since we last saw Cory and Topanga Matthews, they were married and had graduated college. Now, ten years later, they're back with a new show on the Disney Channel — along with two kids of their own.

This time around, the series centers on the coming-of-age adventures of Cory and Topanga's daughter Riley (Rowan Blanchard), with Cory (Ben Savage) serving as a history teacher at her school. Both Savage and Blanchard stopped by Fox News Magazine to tell us all about "Girl Meets World," and what's they've got in store for fans old and new.

"Fans that grew up with 'Boy Meets World' are going to appreciate that Cory is pretty much the same guy — very quirky, neurotic," said Savage. "And I think Cory is a full-on family man."

"I would say Riley is the perfect mix of Corey and Topanga," added Blanchard, explaining how she inherited the caring qualities of her mother and the crazier qualities of her dad.

At its core, however, "Girl Meets World" is about Corey and Riley's relationship. "They [work] so well together," Blanchard said. "And that's why their father/daughter relationship is very special."

Watch the video above for Savage and Blanchard's entire interview, and be sure to catch "Girl Meets World" Fridays on the Disney Channel.