Athletes We'd Like To See Run for Office


Sex scandals? Par for the course. Luckily, Tiger's already put his behind him. (Reuters)

That face will be sure to silence any critics. (Reuters)

He could run on the most liberal presidential platform the country has ever seen, but he's still have trouble winning Massachusetts. (Reuters)

Politics is all about confidence, and LeBron is never short of that. Maybe one day he can "take his talents" to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. (Reuters)

Brady always comes through in the clutch, as long as Gisele refrains from playing armchair quarterback (like she did at Super Bowl XLVI). (Reuters)

In politics, sometimes playing defense is your best offense. And with hair like that, who's going to vote no? (Reuters)

Possible campaign slogan?  "Jeah We Can." (Reuters)

Whatever platform she chooses to run on, she'll do it in record time. (Reuters)

Stewart's motorcade would be an interesting sight, but he'd need to slap a presidential seal between the Office Depot and Mobil 1 logos. (Reuters)

She won the eighth season of "Dancing With The Stars" based on America's votes. Who's to say America wouldn't vote her into office? (Reuters)