Ashton Kutcher blows John McCain a kiss during testimony in Senate on human trafficking

Is Ashton Kutcher attempting to build a bromance between himself and Senator John McCain?

Kutcher was in Washington D.C. to give testimony during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on human trafficking when McCain made a comment about the star's good looks.

"Ashton, you were better looking in the movies," McCain teased Kutcher after thanking him for testifying on the "very serious" topic.

Kutcher then blew the senator a kiss while everyone in the room laughed.

The 39-year-old was testifying as a co-founder of Thorn, an organization that uses technology to help locate human trafficking victims. Kutcher founded Thorn with his ex-wife Demi Moore.

"For years now, Thorn has been committed to building tech tools to combat child sexual exploitation and facilitating collaborations across [the] tech industry to disrupt these crimes. We have no intention of stopping until we win this battle," Kutcher said.