Anti-Trump media makes up fake story about overfeeding fish at Japanese koi pond

President Trump and Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe carried on an old tradition of feeding carp at a Koi pond in Tokyo when CNN and the rest of the mainstream media decided to twist the narrative to make Trump appear like a buffoon.

Liberal network CNN ran a ridiculous headline, “Trump feeds fish, winds up pouring entire box of food into Koi pond,” complete with a misleading tweet from reporter Veronica Rocha that only shows the Trump dumping the entire box of food. Her footage is conveniently edited to skip Abe doing the same thing.

IN fact, Abe dumped his entire box of fish food into the pond and Trump followed while the Prime Minister of Japan smiled. However, the anti-Trump media has been cropping the video to only show Trump’s actions.

Bloomberg White House correspondent Justin Sink tweeted that Trump and Abe were “spooning fish food into the pond” when Trump “decided to just dump the whole box in for the fish.” The problem with the attempt to paint Trump as an animal-abusing, lazy America is that Japan's Prime Minister did the exact same thing seconds before.

BuzzFeed News ran a story headlined, “This photo of Trump dumping his carp food in a pond in japan has become a huge meme,” and embedded a series of Japanese tweets mocking the president. The Guardian even ran a story about the dangers of overfeeding fish.

“White House reporters, keen perhaps to pick up on a Trump gaffe, captured the moment when he upended his box on their smartphones and tweeted evidence of his questionable grasp of fish keeping,” The Guardian wrote. “Some speculated that a poor palace employee would be dispatched to the scene to clean up the mess as soon as the two leaders disappeared inside.”

Foreign dignitaries have been feeding the fish in the koi pond for years, but Trump did not lose patience, despite what the media wants the narrative to be. He was literally emulating Abe with his actions.

One Twitter user wrote, “Abe is basically watching in polite rage-horror as the epic orange buffoon tries to kill his fish,” but she clearly didn’t see the entire video, while the New York Daily News said, “The former New York City real estate tycoon got a little heavy handed while feeding koi.”

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