Alec Baldwin gives relationship advice to niece Hailey Baldwin and her fiance Justin Bieber

Alec Baldwin (left) had some words of wisdom for his niece Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber. (Getty)

Alec Baldwin had some advice for his supermodel niece Hailey Baldwin, who recently announced her engagement to pop star Justin Bieber.

“People who get married young — and they are very young — I want them to just spend time with each other,” the 60-year-old told etalk Sunday at the Toronto International Film Festival premiere of “The Public.”

“Obviously, him in particular has this crazy superstar career,” added the actor.

And Baldwin has some experience. He was previously married to actress Kim Basinger from 1993 until 2002. Then in 2012, he tied the knot once more with yoga instructor Hilaria Baldwin.

The Canadian entertainment news site revealed Baldwin’s relationship advice hit close to home.

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“I’m quite a bit older than both of them, but I got married recently, a few years ago,” he explained. “And my wife [Hilaria] and I have four kids in four-and-a-half years. We have a lot of little kids.

“The thing is, all the work I do now is based on my family. There’s movies I got offered when they say, ‘Come leave town for five weeks. And no, we can’t travel your family with you. We don’t have that in the budget.’ And I pass because I don’t want to be away from my family. And I hope they realize that. If you want to have a successful marriage, you have to be together. You gotta stay together.”

Hailey, 21, got engaged to Bieber, 24, while vacationing in the Bahamas. The couple, who previously dated from 2015 to 2016, rekindled their romance just a few weeks before the proposal.

Baldwin insisted he’s in the dark about the much talked-about wedding plans.

“I don’t know any details,” he stressed. “I know nothing!”

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Hailey’s other famous uncle, Billy Baldwin, previously shared his own advice for the couple. The actor has been married to singer/actress Chynna Phillips since 1995.

“Please enjoy your engaged life,” the 55-year-old told etalk in July. “You’re 21; you have the rest of your life to have kids.”