10 Worst Baseball Movies Ever

A terrible movie about trying to field the worst team in baseball that made tons of money. One high point though is Charlie Sheen's pitching motion, which MLB players have called the most realistic in film because Charlie played in high school and could actually throw in the high 80s.  Unfortunately, the actor was also high for most of the 1980s.  We kid!

Joey from "Friends" co-stars with a baseball playing chimp. More need not be said.

About as sappy as you can imagine, Costner's 89th film about a baseball is a great cure for insomnia.

Nobody is going to confuse Freddy Prinze Jr. and Jessica Biel for Oscar contenders, especially not in this corny romantic comedy centered on a minor league baseball team.

Albert Brooks said he rewrote "The Scout" so it didn't have such a "Rocky bulls**t ending," but the studio forced them to film said bulls**t ending.  <b>SPOILER ALERT: </b>Brendan Fraser's character Steve Nebraska pitches a perfect game, knocks his catcher over he throws so hard, and hits two home runs to power his Yankee team to a 2-0 win. Yep, pretty much total bulls**t right there.

When your lead actor, John Goodman, has to <i>lose weight</i> to <i>get into shape</i> to play the legendarily fat and out of shape Babe Ruth, you know you are in trouble.

Think "Taxi Driver" only with Wesley Snipes playing Cybill Shepherd.

They rushed to get this 1948 film out while Babe Ruth was still alive, and it shows. Often called the worst baseball movie of all time, but mostly by people who died before "Ed" and "Major League 3: Back to the Minors" were released.

A 12-year-old kid who throws 100 mph leads the Chicago Cubs to World Series win.  Yeah, right.  We can stomach a 12-year-old fireballer, but the Cubs as MLB champs? A movie has to have some link to reality to hold a viewer's attention.

They made three of these. Oh my.