10 Reasons to Geek Out Over Doctor Who


Who would Doctor Who be without his trusty companions? To date, he's had a total of fourty-three. While that's quite a handful, they've always been along for the ride and up for a good adventure. (AP)

The TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) is the Doctor's time machine. Blue on the outside, HUGE on the inside. So go on and color everything TARDIS blue — we won't judge. (Reuters)

The Doctor has battled many villains throughout time, but some just keep coming back for more — especially Deleks, Cybermen, and Weeping Angels. (Reuters)

The Doctor and River Song have a long history — and it's quite complicated. They first meet in reverse order ... meaning, the first time they ever meet is the last time they shall ever meet. Confused? Well, like we said ... it's complicated. (AP)

A multi-functional tool used by the Doctor. He mainly uses it pick locks, but it does other nifty things like medical scans, controlling other devices, and tracking pesky Daleks and other alien life forms. You can even get your own Sonic Screwdriver over at ThinkGeek.com! (ThinkGeek.com)

Not just for nerds, anymore! The Eleventh Doctor, played by Matt Smith, certainly made bowties suddenly hip. (AP)

David Tennant, The Tenth Doctor made a bold statement with his signature converse sneakers. (Converse.com)

What's not not to love about diehard Doctor Who fans? (Reuters)

... and if you're a Whovian, how many times do you work "EXTERMINATE!" into your daily vocabulary? The same goes for "Don't Blink!" and "Spoilers". (Reuters)

Last, (but certainly, not least) everyone has a favorite doctor. Who's yours? Vote below. (AP)