State Farm's two-for-one 1968 Chevrolet Camaro

Is it a car enthusiast’s dream, or nightmare? A team at State Farm insurance has created the <a href="">Arnold Palmer</a> of Camaros, split down the middle to be used as a training tool to help teach the company’s agents the difference between a perfectly restored classic and shoddy, but showy modification. (State Farm)

According to the <a href="">Motoramic</a> blog, four technicians spent three and a half years building the car in their free time from a totaled 1968 Camaro found on the lot of State Farm’s Vehicle Research Facility in Bloomington, Ill. (State Farm)

The cabin features correct black trim and a low back bucket on the driver’s side, while the passengers on the right are treated to heavily bolstered two-tone aftermarket sport seats finished in cream and gold upholstery. (State Farm)