Zimbabwe PM regrets lack of reforms for free polls

Morgan Tsvangirai speaks to party supporters at a party rally in Harare in May. There have been "no reforms" to guarantee that upcoming July 31 polls in Zimbabwe would be free and fair, the prime minister said on Sunday. (AFP/File)

There have been "no reforms" to guarantee that upcoming July 31 polls in Zimbabwe would be free and fair, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai said Sunday.

"There are no reforms in the media, and other reforms to ensure free and fair elections have not been achieved," said Tsvangirai in launching his campaign against archrival President Robert Mugabe.

Zimbabweans go to the polls in just over three weeks in a vote to end the unity government between Mugabe and Tsvangirai, who were forced to share power after deadly clashes in the 2008 elections.

The southern African nation approved a new constitution that limits presidential powers in a referendum in March.

But Mugabe unilaterally declared an early election date which the Constitutional Court on Thursday upheld despite pressure from regional mediators.