Work on pope's Brazil visit progresses; Francis also plans to go to Assisi, saint's birthplace

Pope Francis arrives to celebrate a mass where he will ordain ten new priests in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Sunday, April 21, 2013. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia) (The Associated Press)

Pope Francis plans to visit Assisi, the birthplace of the Italian saint who inspired his name.

Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said Francis will probably make a pilgrimage to the Italian hill town sometime this year. Vatican Radio on Thursday also quoted Vatican officials who recently visited Rio de Janiero as saying details for the pontiff's trip in late July to Brazil were taking shape. Francis will lead Catholic youths in rallies there.

The radio quoted Lombardi as saying otherwise Francis had no immediate travel plans. Lombardi said the pope is happy with his quarters in a Vatican hotel, instead of the Apostolic Palace where past pontiffs have resided. Lombardi said "for now" Francis is staying put in the hotel although his decision to live there isn't "definitive."