UN court unseals contempt of court charges against top officials in Serbian nationalist party

United Nations prosecutors have unsealed an arrest warrant that charges three senior officials in a Serbian nationalist political party with contempt of court for allegedly interfering with witnesses.

The International Criminal Court for the Former Yugoslavia publicized the warrant Tuesday "in the interests of justice" because Serbia has not arrested the three suspects in nearly a year.

The charges are linked to the long-running trial of far-right Serb politician Vojislav Seselj on charges of recruiting paramilitary forces during the Balkan wars, and a related contempt case. Prosecutors have sought a 28-year sentence if he is convicted.

According to the warrant, prosecutors at the Hague-based court accuse Petar Jojic, Jovo Ostojic and Vjerica Radeta of having "threatened, intimidated, offered brides to or otherwise interfered with" two prosecution witnesses in the case.