Turkish, Italian leaders spar over probe into Erdogan's son

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks during an event for foreign investors, in Ankara, Turkey, on Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2016. Erdogan said, once more blasted unnamed Western countries which he says supported an attempted coup on July 15 which left more than 270 people dead. "The West is supporting terrorism and taking sides with coups." (Kayhan Ozer/Presidential Press Service, Pool Photo via AP) (The Associated Press)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says an Italian criminal investigation involving his son could complicate relations with Rome. Italy's premier dismissed the comments, saying that Italian judges don't respond to the Turkish leader.

Erdogan's son Bilal is under investigation for alleged money-laundering in Bologna, where he moved last year with his family. Erdogan told RAI News 24 Tuesday that the probe "could put our relations with Italy in difficulty" and added that Italy should instead concentrate on the Mafia.

Italian Premier Matteo Renzi responded with a message on Twitter, saying: "In this country, judges respond to the law and the Italian constitution, not to the Turkish president."

Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni said that magistrates and law enforcement were fully engaged in fighting the Mafia "and don't need any one's encouragement."