THE LATEST: Small straw poll has Blatter ahead before vote for FIFA president

FIFA president Joseph S. Blatter makes a gesture during the 65th FIFA Congress held at the Hallenstadion in Zurich, Switzerland, Friday, May 29, 2015 where he runs for re-election as FIFA head. (Patrick B. Kraemer/Keystone via AP) (The Associated Press)

FIFA president Joseph S. Blatter takes a seat as people shake hands in front of him during the 65th FIFA Congress held at the Hallenstadion in Zurich, Switzerland, Friday, May 29, 2015, where he will run for re-election as FIFA head. (Walter Bieri/Keystone via AP) (The Associated Press)

FIFA president Joseph S. Blatter speaks during the 65th FIFA Congress held at the Hallenstadion in Zurich, Switzerland, Friday, May 29, 2015 where he runs for re-election as FIFA head. (Patrick B. Kraemer/Keystone via AP) (The Associated Press)

The Latest on FIFA developments:

09:10 a.m. (0710 GMT; 3.10 a.m. EDT)

FIFA President Sepp Blatter seemed to be ahead in a small straw poll of soccer officials arriving for their election congress on Friday.

It's a small sample, but most delegates prepared to give opinions as they entered seem to be loyal to Blatter, the FIFA president of 17 years, despite the latest slew of corruption allegations rocking the sport.

Delegates from Curacao, Belize and Malawi said they were supporting Blatter

Blatter's opponent Prince Ali bin al-Hussein of Jordan has promised a fresh start for FIFA and can expect strong support from Europe.

Still, he must pick up votes from the Caribbean and Africa to post a serious challenge.

Prince Ali's supporters hoped to gain momentum in the fallout from the U.S. and Swiss federal probes of soccer corruption which were unleashed in Zurich on Wednesday.

FIFA's 209 member federations will vote on Friday afternoon.


09:05 a.m. (0705 GMT; 3:03 a.m. EDT)

Whoever wins the FIFA presidential election Friday won't have to face media questions immediately after their victory, according to FIFA.

FIFA has canceled a news conference which was scheduled to take place following the congress.

A replacement news conference is now scheduled for Saturday morning after a meeting of the newly-composed FIFA executive committee.

That executive session should decide to allocate qualification slots by continent for the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

FIFA President Sepp Blatter is seeking to extend his 17-year reign against Prince Ali bin al-Hussein of Jordan.