The Latest: Palestinian killed trying to breach Israel fence

The Latest on the situation in Israel and the Palestinian territories (all times local):

1:20 p.m.

The Israeli military says it opened fire at two Palestinians attempting to breach the border fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip, killing one of them.

The military says the Palestinians were carrying an axe and had damaged the fence in their attempt to cross into Israel on Monday. It says troops arrived at the scene and fired toward the Palestinians.

The death comes as Palestinians in Gaza have staged weekly protests since late March against an 11-year-old Israeli-Egyptian blockade. The protests have turned deadly and Israeli fire has killed more than 115 people.

Israel accuses Hamas of using the protests as cover for staging attacks against.


9:40 a.m.

Israel says it plans to deduct from tax funds it collects for the Palestinians the amount needed to compensate Israelis living near the Gaza Strip who have come under a wave of arson attacks.

Israel has been battling fires caused by kites rigged with incendiary devices launched by Palestinians in Gaza that have damaged forests and torched agricultural fields. The fires have disrupted daily life in communities near the Gaza Strip.

The kites have been flown by Gazans who have staged weekly protests since late March during which more than 115 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli army fire.

The statement from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office on Sunday didn't disclose how much would be deducted. Israeli Army Radio put the cost of damages at 5 million shekels ($1.4 million).