The Latest: Migrant death toll up to 16 after second sea tragedy off Turkey

The latest developments as tens of thousands of people flee to Europe in search of asylum. All times local.

12:55 p.m.

A Turkish media report says the bodies of seven more migrants have washed up on a shore in Turkey — in a second migrant tragedy at sea in one day, bringing the death toll to at least 16.

The Dogan news agency says the seven bodies, including women and children, washed up on the coast of Dikili on Tuesday, hours after nine bodies were discovered further north, on a beach in the resort of Ayvalik.

Dogan said the migrants in both incidents died after their rubber boats overturned in rough waters.

Dikili and Ayvalik — about 50 kilometers (30 miles) away — are crossing points for migrants trying to make their way to Greece.


10:15 a.m.

A Turkish news agency says the bodies of nine drowned migrants, including children, have washed up on a beach on Turkey's Aegean coast after their boat capsized in rough seas.

The Dogan news agency says the bodies were discovered early on Tuesday in the resort town of Ayvalik, from where migrants set off on boats to reach the Greek island of Lesbos.

Turkish coasts guards were dispatched to search for possible survivors. Eight migrants were rescued.

Dogan video footage showed a body, still wearing a life jacket, being pulled from the sea onto the sandy beach.

There was no immediate information on the migrants' nationalities.

Some 850,000 migrants and refugees crossed into Greece last year, paying smuggling gangs to ferry them over from Turkey in frail boats.