The Latest: EU summit reconvenes with wide-ranging agenda including economy, extremism

The latest from the European Union summit in Brussels. All times local:

10:25 a.m.

European Union leaders are reconvening in Brussels for the final day of their year-end summit with a wide-ranging agenda including how to build greater economic unity among their 28 countries and stepping up the fight against extremism.

Also scheduled for discussion Friday: the EU's internal market, bloc policy on the Syria conflict and building an EU-wide "energy union."

On Thursday, EU leaders set a six-month deadline for deciding whether to push ahead with plans for a border guard agency that could deploy to member states unable or unwilling to manage their borders as thousands of migrants continue to arrive in Europe daily. They also kicked off negotiations with Britain on many of the cornerstones on which the EU is built, with the survival of Britain as a member state hanging in the balance.