Son and son-in-law of Cambodian strong man Hun Sen to run for parliamentary seats in July

A son and son-in-law of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen will run for parliament in July general elections that are expected to renew the long-ruling leader's mandate for power.

Cheam Yeap, a top member of Hun Sen's Cambodian People's Party, said Wednesday that party leaders decided last week to submit the candidacies of the prime minister's youngest son and aide, 30-year-old Hun Many, and his son-in-law, Dy Vichea.

Their candidacies are likely to increase speculation that Hun Sen is seeking to establish a political dynasty, even though he's only 60.

Most of Hun Sen's immediate family members hold influential jobs.

His oldest and most-favored son, Hun Manet, is a two-star army general with a key defense ministry post, and was on the scene during high-profile border skirmishes with Thailand.