Somalia's Shebab claims responsibility for Nairobi mall attack

A woman (C) who had been held hostage reacts in shock on September 21, 2013 after she was freed following a security operation at an upmarket shopping mall in Nairobi where suspected terrorrists engaged Kenyan security forces in a drawn out gun fight. (AFP)

Somalia's Al-Qaeda-linked Shebab rebels on Saturday claimed responsibility for an attack on a shopping mall in Nairobi, saying on Twitter it was in retaliation for Kenya's military intervention in Somalia.

"The Mujahideen entered #Westgate Mall today at around noon and are still inside the mall, fighting the #Kenyan Kuffar (infidels) inside their own turf," the Islamist militants said on Twitter.

"What Kenyans are witnessing at #Westgate is retributive justice for crimes committed by their military," the group said.

Shebab claimed that its fighters had killed 100 people in the attack.

The Kenyan Red Cross has said 30 people have been confirmed killed and 60 wounded.

Kenyan forces entered Somalia two years ago to fight Shebab, and remain in the country as part of an African Union force that is supporting Somalia's internationally-backed government.