Shootout between Baghdad-run security forces, Iraqi Kurdish guards kills 1 civilian bystander

A senior Iraqi army officer says a shootout between police and Kurdish guards in a disputed city in the country's north has killed one civilian bystander.

Lt. Gen. Abdul-Amir al-Zaidi says police were chasing a smuggler who took shelter in the offices of a local Iraqi Kurdish political party. Al-Zaidi says Kurdish guards outside the offices opened fire at the police.

Four policemen were also wounded in Friday's shooting. Al-Zaydi says the smuggler fled during the shootout in Tuz Khormato. The city is about 210 kilometers (130 miles) north of Baghdad.

Tensions have run high lately in the area as Iraqi Kurds seek to carve out more independence from the central government. Tuz Khormato is a mix of Arabs, Kurds and Turkmen competing for control.