Several hundred Afghans march on Kabul over continued presence of US commandos in Wardak

Several hundred demonstrators are marching to the Afghan parliament building in Kabul, protesting the continued presence of U.S. special operations forces in Afghanistan's troubled Wardak province.

Kabul's deputy police chief Gen. Mohammad Daud Amin says Saturday's demonstration of roughly 500 protesters has been peaceful.

The demonstrators are demanding the release of nine local citizens they believe were detained by the U.S. forces. U.S. officials have said only four of the nine missing men were arrested in joint U.S.-Afghan raids.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai had demanded all U.S. commandos leave the province early last week, but agreed to give top U.S. commander Gen. Joseph Dunford more time to craft a solution that maintains security in Wardak, which is used as a gateway by militants to bring bombers and weapons into Kabul.