Settler group under fire for video depicting Israeli leftists as anti-Semite collaborators

An Israeli settler group is under fire for releasing a YouTube video portraying Israeli leftists as collaborators with European anti-Semites.

"The eternal Jew" depicts a grotesquely animated Jew with a long, bent nose who informs on his brethren in return for a coin tossed from his European master. The final scene shows the Jew hanging from a tree with a warning that "Europeans may seem different to you, but to them ... you are exactly the same." Next are the logos of well-known dovish Israeli organizations, including the New Israel Fund, B'Tselem and Peace Now.

The chairman of the Samaria Residents Council, Benny Katzover, defended the clip. The uproar against it has crossed party lines and included a rebuke from Naftali Bennett, head of the pro-settler Jewish Home party.