Romania court orders TV station to pay damages to prosecutor

A Romanian court has ordered a television station to pay damages to Romania's anti-corruption prosecutor for making defamatory remarks about her.

The appeal's court in Ploiesti ordered Antena 3 and three commentators Tuesday to pay 300,000 lei ($79,000) in damages to National Anti-Corruption Directorate Chief Prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi.

The court told the station to issue an apology to Kovesi for three consecutive days. The ruling can be appealed.

Kovesi sued the station over a 2014 talk show where allegations were aired that she and others had received a 2 million-euro ($2.46 million) bribe from a mobster to halt an investigation into the brother of then-President Traian Basescu.

She said the false "allegations of an extreme gravity were made with the sole goal of undermining (her) personal and professional authority."