Rogue general battles militias in Libya

A Libyan security official says troops loyal to a rogue general have launched airstrikes targeting Islamist militias in Benghazi city following a push with infantry and clashes that left five killed.

The official said that renegade Gen. Khalifa Hifter's forces lost four killed and a member of an Islamist militia also died in Sunday's fighting. He spoke anonymously because he was not authorized to speak to the press. It was a new push by Hifter, who launched an offensive against Islamist militias in recent weeks.

The official said Hifter's forces were met by fire from Islamist militias in the neighborhoods of Siddi Faraj and Qawarsha. After a lull, helicopters operated by Hifter forces bombed sites in Benghazi, the official said. Power was out and banks were closed.