Report: Nigerian forces detain reporter over Boko Haram link

Nigerian news reports say security forces have detained a journalist over alleged links to Boko Haram and purported knowledge of the kidnapped Chibok schoolgirls.

Sahara Reporters, an online news site, quoted a passenger as saying that security forces Monday detained Ahmad Salkida on an airplane that landed in Abuja, the capital, from Dubai, where he lives.

Nigeria's army declared Salkida a wanted man last month after he posted online a video from Boko Haram. It showed about 50 of the missing 218 students kidnapped in April 2014 from northeastern Chibok town, with one girl begging the government to agree to a prisoner swap with detained Boko Haram leaders.

Salkida said he knew nothing about the girls' whereabouts.

Army spokesman Col. Sani Usman did not immediately respond to requests for comment.