Rebel leader: Islamic extremists kill N. Mali man who foiled attack on airport

A Tuareg leader says a resident of Kidal in northern Mali died after being shot at his home in an attack suspected to have been carried out by al-Qaida-linked Islamic extremists.

Moussa Ag Assarid, spokesman for the Tuareg National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad, said Sunday from Kidal that Sidati Ag Baye was shot Friday night by two people on a motorcycle. He died after being transported to a French military hospital in Gao.

Ag Assarid said Ag Baye, who lived near Kidal's airport, foiled an attack by Islamic extremists several months ago by alerting security forces to a bomb left on the runway. He said he suspected Friday's attack was retribution.

Attacks by extremists have continued in Kidal despite the presence of French, U.N. and Malian forces.