Questions raised over officials' dealings with German driver

Questions are being raised over the dealings German officials had with a man who plowed his van into a crowd Saturday, killing two and injuring dozens more.

Muenster Mayor Markus Lewe said Tuesday authorities had "no indications" the 48-year-old posed an acute threat to himself or others.

German media report that Jens Ruether sought psychological help in the weeks before he crashed into the terrace of Muenster's Kiepenkerl pub, then shot himself.

Germany's Bild newspaper reports that Muenster police tried to find Ruether after he sent a March 29 email to an acquaintance indicating possible plans for self-harm.

Bild reports Ruether sought social services' help that day. He appeared at a Berlin police station a week later to file a complaint, but officials weren't aware Muenster authorities were seeking him.