Poland's PM, president meet over government shake-up and new ministers' appointment

Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz, right, and her deputy, Defense Minister Tomasz Siemoniak, center, leaving the Belvedere Palace in Warsaw, Poland, on Monday, June 15, 2015 following a meeting with the nation's president, Bronislaw Komorowski, over the appointment of new ministers after four Cabinet members resigned last week over last year's taping scandal. The names of the new ministers are to be announced later Monday.(AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski) (The Associated Press)

Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz, right, and her deputy, Defense Minister Tomasz Siemoniak, center, leaving the Belvedere Palace in Warsaw, Poland, on Monday, June 15, 2015 following a meeting with the nation's president, Bronislaw Komorowski, over the appointment of new ministers after four Cabinet members resigned last week over last year's taping scandal. The names of the ministers are to be announced later Monday.(AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski) (The Associated Press)

Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz is meeting with the nation's president over the appointment of new ministers after four Cabinet members resigned last week over last year's taping scandal.

President Bronislaw Komorowski said last week he wanted to hear from Kopacz whether her government was stable and could stay in office until the October general elections.

Following the meeting Monday, Kopacz was to announce the names of the new health, treasury, sports and security ministers. If immediately appointed, they could take part in the weekly government session on Tuesday.

The resignations followed the illegal publication of secret files from an investigation into the taping of ministers, but were also seen as government cleansing over Komorowski's loss in May presidential elections that exposed dissatisfaction with the ruling Civic Platform party.