Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas hospitalized with fever

A Palestinian official said Sunday that the 83-year-old Mahmoud Abbas has been hospitalized with fever.

A Palestinian official says President Mahmoud Abbas has been hospitalized with fever.

The aide to Abbas, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with protocol, said the 83-year-old Palestinian leader was diagnosed with a fever on Sunday. Abbas had an ear operation last week, and had returned to the hospital late Saturday for a follow-up.

The Palestinian state news agency quoted the hospital director as saying tests results are "good" without providing further details.

Abbas, a heavy smoker, has a long history of health issues, ranging from heart trouble to a bout with prostate cancer a decade ago.

Abbas has not designated a successor, and the Palestinians have not held presidential elections since 2005 because of the split between Abbas' Fatah party and the Islamic militant Hamas, which rules Gaza.

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