Pakistani Shiites continue protest, blocking road with coffins as they await PM visit

Pakistani Shiite Muslims, chant slogans during a protest to condemn Thursday's deadly bombings in Quetta, in Karachi, Pakistan, Saturday, Jan. 12, 2013. Thousands of Pakistani Shiites protested in southwestern Pakistan for a second day on Saturday, blocking a main road with dozens of coffins of relatives killed in explosions to demand better security from the government. (AP Photo/Shakil Adil) (The Associated Press)

Thousands of Shiites are continuing to protest for a third day in southwestern Pakistan, pressing their demands for greater security by blocking a main road with dozens of coffins of relatives killed in bomb attacks by Sunni extremists.

Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf is scheduled to travel to Quetta, the provincial capital of Baluchistan, on Sunday in an attempt to pacify the protesters. The country's religious affairs minister failed the day before to convince them to bury those killed in the Thursday night blasts.

Shiite leader Ibrahim Hazara says the group is demanding that the provincial government be dismissed and the army take over responsibility for the city.

A total of 86 people died in the attacks, claimed by the al-Qaida- and Taliban-allied Lashkar-e-Jhangvi militant group.